About Us

NSDC is a voluntary non profit national level organisation registered under section 60 and rule 69 Govt. of India, established for the growth of skill development among needy people.
The trust is a grass root level social welfare organisation working directly with rural and urban people facilitating the utilization of their skills and knowledge to develop sustainable solution of poverty.
NSDC is a multidiciplinary education ventrure of CRTIGN, registered under the ambit of planning Commission Govt. of India, now Niti Aayog, Govt. of India. Founded in 2012, CRTIGN dreams of developing quality and stress free education to young and scrupulous mind. The greatest part of the institution is to provide the choice to students in therms of courses.

It’s the same with goal achievement. In goal achievement, your skills are your tools. The house is your goal. Just as you need the right tools to build a house, you need the right skills to build your goal.
Without the right skills, you will only frustrate yourself, waste your time, and spend a lot of time dealing with rudimentary issues caused by the lack of knowledge or lack of skills, as opposed to progressing in your goal.

Our Associates

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